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Monday, 2 January 2012

Current Obsessions

Here are a few things that are currently leasing some prime real estate in my brain:

The Watson Table

A gorgeous piece of furniture I am supremely determined to have in my home come hell or high water. Named after Dr. James Watson, the nobel laureate who, alongside Dr. Francis Crick, discovered the molecular structure of the DNA strand, this table is a stunning feat of design. Its designer, Paul Loebach, uses composite wood and carbon fibre to achieve the unique look. It is one of those pieces that simply stopped me in my tracks as soon as I lay eyes on it. Gorgeous.

The Dark Knight Rises

Months, even years, of speculation (at least in some circles) have lead up to the full trailer being released for Christopher Nolan's final entry in his Batman trilogy, The Dark Knight Rises. I have faith Nolan will make this instalment suitably epic, with a showdown between Bane and Batman being inevitable. I am trying my hardest to stay in the dark with the finer points of the plot, something that paid off before watching The Dark Knight in theatres almost four years ago and being incredibly surprised by how deep and dark the movie gets. It was a genuine surprise, as I expect this to be as well.

Only six more months until its release.....I can do it. I hope.

The Restoration Hardware Mayfair Steamer Secretary Trunk

The perfect place to write a new novel. This is another piece I simply must have. I was in Restoration Hardware not too long ago and sidled up to this incredible workspace, sat myself down on the Antique Chestnut Buckle chair and everything just seemed so....right. I could spend hours just sitting there admiring the handcrafted elegance, the vintage cigar leather, the 3000 individual hand-hammered brass nailheads, nevermind tapping out my latest literary masterpiece. 

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